#daede6 is the background colour for this website.
#c9dbd4 is the Twitter and Newsletter background colour.
#7d8682 is the front page heading font colour.
Gabriola is the font used for the front page header image. It is an MS font.
Embed Twitter tweets:
https://wordpress.org/support/article/twitter-embed/The above link has an article showing how to transform a Twitter embed to a Group so that the background colour can be changed.
WP Forms License key 5ff1c0b7eb54b059d2a135d603023ed1
Renewal date Oct 1, 2022
Google Account for Friends – Name: Friends Library – Pwd: F0TLPLhash# (second character is zero)
Google Account – Male 2nd May 1978 birthday
Site Key: 6LcCMqscAAAAAICu_koS03x4fkT8aAaCfNYumUvH
Secret Key: 6LcCMqscAAAAANawLqPQGJIyKG4B6cd6qaemYGKq
Simple Cart option – Add to cart button image to be included after implementation
Align Default Max Width is set to 610px.
This causes the effective max page width to be 610px when starting with a para. Note that columns default to 900px, hence so many columns have been used in the web pages. This width can be changed with a slider (managed it with the arrow keys). The “No Max Width on Align…” checkbox can be selected although this assumes the max width could be huge – so it’s not a viable choice. Setting the same as the other option at 1240 works – NB but not in edit mode.