Now in its 33rd year, almost 400 books were donated via local bookstores for the 2023 campaign. The total number of books distributed was 7334, with 35 schools and 17 agencies requesting books. Financial donations to the Library for 2023 were just under $34,000. Friends of the Library donated $1000.00 with an additional $330 collected from the donations jar at the Friends bookstore.
A Book for Every Child is a year-round London Public Library program, established in 1992, with an annual campaign during November and December. Books are distributed to children, who would otherwise not own a book, through agencies serving families and children. A Book For Every Child promotes awareness of the importance of books in a child’s life, supports family literacy and has a direct and lasting impact on children in our community. The A Book For Every Child campaign distributes new books to local children through agencies that work with families in our community.
Every year many people make the campaign a success: generous Londoners who donate to the campaign, Library staff, staff at local book stores, and Friends of the London Public Library volunteers.